
Hi! I’m Baron Snorri skyti Bjarnarson of Coppertree, Æthelmearc, in the Society for Creative Anachronism. I’ve been active in the SCA since December of 2015, and also ran a large Dagorhir unit, the Cairnhold Legion, from June of 2009 to January 2018. I also run a LARP called Kingdoms of Novitas, which has been running regularly scheduled monthly events since 2004.

Mundanely, I’m Dave. I’ve been married since 2001 to a lovely woman who – to my great fortune – largely shares my geeky interests. We had a son in 2010, who I can kick out of the house in eight more years. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems from SUNY Polytechnic, and work as a cloud engineer/administrator for a defense contractor.

This blog has been set up mostly to make pictures and information about my various medieval-ish arts and sciences projects available to anyone who wants them. Up until now, stuff has been scattered all over Facebook, Reddit, and Imgur, but I’m going to make an effort to centralize here from now on. I’m currently working on posting some past projects here, but I’ll update with new things as they get worked on too.

I may also use this blog to chronicle my adventures as an archer in the SCA, when notable things happen, and I’ll probably make brief posts about the things I sometimes do to get called up in court.

Thanks for reading, I hope what I post here is helpful to others, and please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions.


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